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Mock Trial - Judges Needed! Jan. 9 & 10

Friday, December 04, 2020 12:22 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

UCI is in need of volunteer judges for a collegiate mock trial tournament hosted by UC Irvine, taking place on Jan. 9th & 10th, entirely online via Zoom. This elite event will feature some of the best teams from across the country. 

They are especially interested in recruiting female attorneys as judges. Over half of all undergraduate mock trial competitors are young women, but less than a quarter of our current judging pool is female. We want to show our outstanding female competitors that they are welcome in the field of law, and we believe that greater representation of women on our benches helps to further that mission.

You can sign up to judge by clicking HERE. Please sign up by Dec 20th so we know if you're joining us! 

The trials: The trials are under three hours long and will require no preparation. There will be two days of trial with each day consisting of a morning round (~8:15 - 11:15 AM Pacific Time) and an afternoon round (~12:45 – 3:45 PM Pacific Time). You can judge as many or as few as you like. If you have any attorney friends or colleagues who would like to judge, please let us know so we can pair you together.

The case: This year’s case is a civil matter featuring a fatal poisoning at a winery during a wedding rehearsal dinner. The charge, evidence and witnesses available vary across the rounds, which makes each trial unique and interesting.

How to judge a Zoom Mock Trial: We will be hosting a 30-minute Zoom judge training session before the tournament weekend. In that meeting, we will explain your role, how to use Zoom when judging the trials, how to complete an online ballot, etc. No other preparation is required to judge (i.e., you don’t need to read any part of the case ahead of time).

Signing up: If you’d be willing to help us out as a judge, we’d really appreciate it. We need volunteers like you in order to make this event a success for the students.

Here’s the link to sign up: https://forms.gle/xe6LWino8hbGkzKWA

Also, if you have any colleagues who might be interested in judging, please let us know so we can share our information with them. 

Thank you for your time!


Emily Shaw

UCI Mock Trial Coach

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