Orange County Women
 Lawyers Association
For Women Lawyers and Those Who Support Their Advancement

OCWLA Foundation

The Orange County Women Lawyers Foundation is a 501(c)3 Public Charity.

2025 OCWLA Foundation Board of Directors

Executive Officers

Caroline Djang
Tracy Hughes

Vice President
Tracy Hughes
Eemaan Jalili

Eemaan Jalili
Heidi Plummer

Heidi Plummer

Board of Directors

Cheryl Barrett

Cheryl L. Barrett

Maria Bashaw

Jeanne Behling

Jeannette Garcia

Betty Fracisco

Jeannette Garcia

Jeannette Garcia

Johnson Norris

Kristine Koo

Farnaz Salessi

OCWLAF Bar Stipend Awards

OCWLA Foundation Bar & Diversity Bar Stipend Awards

July Bar Stipend Due April 20
February Bar Stipend Due November 20

Bar Stipend Award 

OCWLA Foundation is pleased to provide the Bar Stipend Award to worthy law students about to take the bar exam. Offered twice a year, the award is given to the student(s) that best exemplifies the mission of OCWLA, and a commitment to scholarship, community service, advancement of women or women’s issues, financial need, and to Orange County.

Diversity Bar Stipend Award

OCWLA Foundation awards a $1000 Diversity Stipend to a recent law school graduate with a minority ethnic background and achievements and contributions in scholarship, community service, advancement of diversity or diversity issues. Financial need and connection to Orange County are also considered. 

EIN: 27-4737680
Month/Year Est: October 2010

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