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Information for Law Students

Law Student Representatives

Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law
Katherine Luzzi

University of California at Irvine School of Law
Brittney James

Western State College of Law
Maria Campos Tello, Jennifer Fazio & Cloyie Yoon

Pepperdine Caruso School of Law
Caitlin Codd

Law Student Representative Documents

OCWLA Student Representative
Responsibilities [PDF]

OCWLA Foundation Bar & Diversity Bar Stipend Awards


February Bar Stipend Due November 20, 2024
July Bar Stipend Due April 20, 2025

Bar Stipend Award

OCWLA Foundation is pleased to provide the Bar Stipend Award to worthy law students about to take the bar exam. Offered twice a year, the award is given to the student(s) that best exemplifies the mission of OCWLA, and a commitment to scholarship, community service, advancement of women or women’s issues, financial need, and to Orange County, California.


Diversity Bar Stipend Award

OCWLA Foundation awards a $1000 Diversity Stipend to a recent law school graduate with a diverse background, cultural or ethnic community, sexual or gender identity, veteran status, or disability, and achievements and contributions in scholarship, community service, advancement of diversity or diversity issues. Financial need and connection to Orange County, California are also considered.


Student Membership

Are you currently a law student interested in joining OCWLA? As a law student, there is no cost to join the OCWLA, and your membership will allow you to attend OCWLA’s events at the reduced member rate.  As a member of OCWLA, you will become part of a community that is dedicated to the advancement of its members and have the opportunity to attend various networking and other events throughout the year, including lunch meetings, member mixers, and social events such as hikes, coffee meetups, or movie viewings of relevance to our members. The OCWLA also sponsors events hosted by the affiliate bars of the OCBA, which provide even more networking opportunities for members. 


Congratulations Bar Stipend Winners!

I am beyond grateful to be selected for the February Bar Stipend. Thank you so much OCWLA for this stipend to help ease my financial burden during the bar exam process. This scholarship revitalized my motivation and strength for studying for the bar exam. As a first-generation college graduate, Master's graduate, and now law school graduate, having financial support during this very stressful time in my life is a relief. Especially as it puts me one step closer to my goal of being the first in my family to be an attorney. I plan to use my skillset and knowledge gained from practicing law to make effective policy changes.

                                                                                              Sarah Salinas

I was thrilled to learn of my selection for this honor, and I am deeply grateful for your support. I chose immigration law because it encompasses everything that I feel I was called to do – celebrate cultural differences, embrace equality for people achieving their American dream, and provide children a safe place to call home. As I press toward the day of the February Bar Exam, I am humbled by the opportunity to take this exam, realize my dream and serve the women and children of Orange County. Thank you, thank you Orange County Women Lawyers Association!

                                                                                              Baele Hasbrouck

I am incredibly grateful for the Orange County Women Lawyers Association and the generous financial support. The bar exam is a stressful and costly process and the OCWLA bar exam stipend took the financial stress off of my shoulders. It is a tremendous relief and has allowed me to pursue my dream of becoming the first attorney in my family. Thank you so much, OCWLA!


                                                                                              Sarah Hasselberger

Thank you so much for granting me the Bar Stipend award! When I received the news, I felt extremely honored and grateful. The news brought a huge smile to my face and gave me a much needed boost of confidence in the middle of a very stressful summer. Preparing for the bar exam is not only very time-consuming and demanding but also expensive and this stipend will help me tremendously. Thank you OCWLA!

                                                                                                                         Melody Morales

I am incredibly grateful to be a recipient of the OCWLA Foundation Bar Stipend Award. OCWLA's generosity and kindness has helped me in immeasurable ways. This year with the bar exam being administered remotely, I had the extra pressure of figuring out a quiet and secure place to take the exam. Unfortunately, this meant I would have to cover additional expenses including the cost of a quiet hotel room. This award gave me great peace of mind and allowed me to focus all my energy into the bar exam, instead of worrying about the costs of taking the exam. I cannot thank OCWLA for their support of and dedication to women in the legal field. 

  Emily Hoskins

I am honored and grateful to be the recipient of the OCWLA Foundation Diversity Bar Stipend Award.    After receiving the email from OCWLA, I felt really supported and encouraged by the generosity of OCWLA’s award and the kind words of the Board members.  Not only was this award a tremendous financial help for the Bar, but also gave me the renewed vigor to finish bar prep strong and tackle the exam.

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity and support.  I am appreciative of OCWLA’s commitment to advancing women in the legal profession and supporting diversity in the legal field.  I hope to continue to be a part of OCWLA, so I can contribute to OCWLA’s commitment in empowering other women in the legal field as they have done so for me.                                                                       
Cecilia Le                                                               

Returning to the formal workforce after the dissolution of a very, very long-term marriage is quite intimidating. It was so encouraging to receive the OCWLA’s Bar Stipend Award and the timing was perfect. I received the email notice of that award exactly one week before the bar, when the pressure of bar prep and the grind of studying is just about at its peak. It actually brought tears to my eyes when I received that email. It wasn’t the money that touched me so much as the vote of confidence coming from a sisterhood of supportive professionals. I’m so thankful for that. It gave me a boost right when I needed it most. God bless you for strengthening my resolve and uplifting me during that final push.

                                                                                                                         Deborah Pauly

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