Orange County Women
 Lawyers Association
For Women Lawyers and Those Who Support Their Advancement


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  • Monday, October 21, 2024 1:20 PM | Anonymous

    This post is to inform you that three (3) new proposals to amend the California Rules of Court, and Judicial Council forms have been posted to the California Courts web site, at



    Title: Court Interpreters: Guidelines for Approval of Certification Programs for Interpreters for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Persons

    Summary: The Court Interpreters Advisory Panel (CIAP) proposes revisions to the current Guidelines for Approval of Certification Programs for Interpreters for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Persons (Guidelines), and a certification program approval process that is more responsive to the interpreter marketplace and the testing and certification landscape. The CIAP’s revisions to the Guidelines are necessary to keep pace with the evolving interpreter marketplace and to address the shortage of certified American Sign Language (ASL) court interpreters to meet growing demands. Revisions are in alignment with CIAP’s annual agenda, and will allow for greater flexibility, encouraging the emergence of additional ASL court interpreter testing entities to meet the growing certification needs.

    Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Tuesday, November 26, 2024, at 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)


    Title: Court Interpreters: Professional Standards and Ethics for California Court Interpreters

    Summary: The Court Interpreters Advisory Panel proposes revisions to the Professional Standards and Ethics for California Court Interpreters (fifth edition). These revisions are necessary to update

    the document and address new ethical challenges in remote and hybrid interpreting, and interpreters conduct on social media. The ethics document is based on California Rules of Court, rule 2.890.

    Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Tuesday, November 26, 2024, at 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)



    Title: Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules: 2025 Edition

    Summary: The Traffic Advisory Committee proposes revisions to the Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules, 2025 Edition, effective January 1, 2025. The 2025 proposal includes (1) recommendations based on legislation, as required under Vehicle Code section 40310 and Penal Code section 1269b; (2) recommended changes and additions proposed by courts and justice system partners; and (3)

    miscellaneous technical changes.

    Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Friday, November 1, 2024, at 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)

  • Monday, October 07, 2024 3:34 PM | Anonymous
    Please see the attached Notice from the Clerk regarding changes to the local rules proposed to become effective December 1, 2024.

    The notice is also available on the Court’s website at:

    2024-10-07 Notice Attachment - LRs redline .pdf

    2024-10-07 Notice - LRs to be effective 12.1.2024.pdf

  • Thursday, October 03, 2024 11:51 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Interested in Running for a 
    2025 OCWLA Director Position?

    It’s time for OCWLA’s annual election for ten (10) Director positions. The time commitment for an OCWLA Director (or Officer) is a one (1) year term, and includes:

    1. Attendance at the OCWLA monthly Board meetings (on the fourth Tuesday of the month unless otherwise noted);
    2. Attendance at the OCWLA monthly lunch or evening programs;
    3. Participation in OCWLA committees; and
    4. Participation in the Board Planning Retreat.

    Collegiality and camaraderie are all integral to the OCWLA Board experience.

    If you are interested in running, please submit a short Candidate's Statement and photo (optional) to us by the close of business on Friday, October 11, 2024, via email to The 2025 Slate of Director candidates and voting portal will be presented to the membership via email on October 14, 2024.

    Elections are held online only this year. Online voting will close on November 1, 2024. Election results will be announced at the end of the OCWLA November 4 lunch meeting.

    Installation of the 2025 Board of Officers and Directors takes place at the OCWLA Holiday Reception & Installation Dinner on December 5, 2024.

    We are very excited about your interest in joining the OCWLA Board. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

  • Tuesday, October 01, 2024 6:10 PM | Anonymous

    We are in need of judges for a two collegiate mock trial tournament taking place on Nov. 9th & 10th of 2024 and January 11th & 12th of 2025 at the University of California, Irvine.

    Our first tournament (called "The Anteater Invitational" or just "Anteater") is on November 9th and 10th of 2024. This tournament will have just one volunteer judge per courtroom. All participating judges will need to both preside and score the round. This event is ideal for volunteers who have judged undergraduate ("AMTA") mock trial competitions before, but we are also happy to have new judges sign up. Before each round, we will offer all judges an orientation session which will explain what you'll need to know in order to judge. 

    The second tournament (called "Beach Party") is on January 11th and 12th of 2025. All rounds of this winter tournament will have two judges, which will allow some volunteers to be exclusively scoring (non-presiding) judges; if you wish to judge with a friend, just let us know and we can pair you together. This event will also feature elite teams participating from across the country. There will also be an orientation session before each round which will explain wha you'll need to know in order to judge.

    If you are willing to judge at both events, please do consider signing up for both. We are fully reliant on the generosity of volunteer judges like you, and it is a struggle for us to find enough volunteers each year. Every trial round you can judge is a BIG favor to us and to the participating students. 

    You can sign up to judge by clicking HERE.

    NEW - MCLE Credit Hours: The State Bar of California has recently approved a new measure to allow attorneys to get up to two (2) hours of participatory MCLE credit for serving as a volunteer judge at a mock trial competition. Each of our trials last up to three hours, so judging even one trial can both help our students AND help you earn two participatory credit hours. 

    The trials: The trials are approximately three hours long and require no preparation. There will be two days of trials, both consisting of a morning round from ~9:00 to 12:00 PM and then an afternoon round from ~2:00 to 5:00 PM. Depending on your availability, you can judge as many or as few as you would like.

    Presiders needed! For this November tournament, all trials will have a single judge. That means all participating judges will be asked to preside over the rounds -- interacting with students, making rulings on objections and moving the trial along, in addition to scoring the trial. 

    If you'd like a refresher on judging, don't worry -- we'll provide a judge orientation session before each round (described below). Or, if you'd prefer NOT to preside, we're also recruiting judges for our winter tournament, which will have a second, non-presiding scoring judge in each round. If you'd prefer to do that event instead, you can sign up for the winter tournament through the same link above.

    The case: This year’s case is a civil matter about the death of millionaire Avery Bancroft while aboard a train in Australia. Mr. Bancroft's adult child, Taylor Hopson, who was also onboard the train at the time, was set to inherit Bancroft's estate ($400 million). Now, Shannon Shahid, who is Mr. Bancroft's only other child, has brought a Slayer Statute proceeding, alleging that Hospson caused their father's death and therefore cannot inherit. The evidence, charges and witnesses available vary across the rounds, which makes each trial unique and interesting to watch.

    Judge orientation: Before each round, we will hold a 30-minute judge orientation session. In that session, we will explain how to judge the trials, how to score the trial ballot, and other logistics. No other preparation is needed to judge (i.e., you don’t need to read any part of the case ahead of time).

    Judge check-in will open 30 minutes before the orientation session, making morning check-in at 8:00 AM and afternoon check-in at 1:00 PM each day. During both days of the trials, we will be providing bagels, coffee and lunch.

    Here's the link to sign up for our tournaments this year: jqK wTb9

  • Wednesday, September 25, 2024 2:24 PM | Anonymous
    The Orange County District Attorney’s Office is excited to announce the recruitment for Deputy District Attorney I, II, III is now open! Apply Here

    Prospective Employee Benefits Page:
    OC Prospective Employee Benefits
    Please let me know if you can assist with getting this opportunity announcement to your members via email or website posting.


    Deputy District Attorney I - $92,976.00 - $112,403.20 Annually 
    Deputy District Attorney II - $108,742.40 - $121,201.60 Annually 
    Deputy District Attorney III - $124,446.40 - $172,348.80 Annually
    As a result of the Board approval all OCAA-represented classifications will be receiving the following future salary increases:
     Effective June 27, 2025 – 4.00% increase
    Salary may be negotiable within the range listed above, based on position requirements and successful candidate's qualifications, subject to appropriate authorization.
  • Wednesday, September 11, 2024 3:20 PM | Anonymous

    Name: Abby Leigh

    Practice area: Immigration Law and International Human Rights 

    Recent Personal accomplishment: Completing law school and taking the bar exam!

    What does winning the Stipend mean to you: Having the support of OCWLA is such an honor and a privileged. Receiving the stipend was a huge financial relief to me during this transitional period of my life. Between graduation and when I start my job, I have several months of living expenses to cover. Knowing I had financial support during this time allowed me to focus 100% of my energy on studying for the bar exam, which alievated a lot of stress and anxiety.  

    What are your post-bar plans: In September, I will start a two year fellowship. I was selected as one of the the Immigrant Justice Corp Fellows and placed with Immigrant Defenders Law Center where I will mainly be working with unaccompanied minors. In the meantime, I plan to rest, spend time with my partner and our dogs, and enjoy the rest of the summer!

    What was your favorite part of Law School: My favorite part of law school was the practical training I received. I was fortunate enough to participate in two clinics (the Immigrant Rights Clinic and the International Justice Clinic) where I had the opportunity to work with actual clients prior to graduating. During my legal education, I also completed an internship with Haitian Bridge Alliance, an organization committed to advancing fair and human immigration policies with a particular focus on Black migrants, the Haitian community, women, LGBTQ+ individuals, and survivors of torture. Through this experience, I was able to combine passion for international law and immigration law by engaging in transnational advocacy. 

    Philanthropic Interests (organizations or causes that are important to you): am deeply passionate about the LGBTQ+ community, international human rights, and racial justice, among many other causes. Ultimately, I care about any cause that advances human rights because all issues caused by oppressive systems are overlapping and intersecting. 

    What is a fun or interesting fact about you that you would like OCWLA members to know: A fun fact about me is that I hiked several 14ers (mountains with 14,000 feet of elevation) while living in Colorado before I moved to California for law school. 

    Is there anything else you would like the OCWLA Members to know about you: Thank you so much for creating this opportunity! 

  • Tuesday, September 03, 2024 3:40 PM | Anonymous

    Name: Ozzy Peña

    What is your practice area of interest? Civil Litigation or Criminal Law.

    What is a recent academic or personal accomplishment you would like to highlight?
    A recent accomplishment I’m particularly proud of is graduating law school summa cum laude. This achievement symbolizes all the hard work and dedication I invested throughout my legal education. I vividly remember the concern I had when applying to law schools, worrying about whether I would be able to afford the education. Despite these challenges, I was able to persevere through my good grades, financial planning with loans, and reselling sneakers. Graduating with such high honors from a remarkable institution is a testament to my commitment and resilience, and I am incredibly happy to have reached this milestone.

    What does winning the Stipend mean to you?
    Winning this stipend meant everything to me. It wasn’t just financial relief; it was an affirmation of my hard work, resilience, and unwavering commitment to my legal education and community service. This support allowed me to focus on studying full-time for the bar exam without the overwhelming stress of financial burdens or the need to invest time in working a job, ensuring I could continue my journey to becoming an advocate for justice. I am deeply grateful to the Orange County Women Lawyers Association for their support.

    What are your post-bar plans?
    After the bar exam in July 2024, I plan to use the month of August to take a little vacation, catch up with friends and family, and reset my mental health after the intense preparation. Once I’ve had some time to recharge, I’ll be working as a post-bar law clerk at Dordick Law Corporation while I await my bar exam results.

    What was your favorite part of Law School?
    My favorite part of law school was the strong sense of community that developed among my peers and friends. The shared experiences of navigating the rigorous coursework, late-night study sessions, and preparing for exams created a bond that went beyond just academic collaboration. One memorable example of this was when a group of us were studying in a study room before our criminal law final exam. A friend accidentally closed the door without realizing the handle was broken, and we ended up locked inside. We were so focused on cramming for the exam that we had no time to waste on panicking about being locked in. Fortunately, the room was spacious enough that none of us felt cramped, and we had to flag down the dean through the glass window as he was walking by to get help opening the door. In the moment, it was incredibly stressful, but now we all look back and laugh about it. Moments like these reminded me of how important connection and camaraderie are, making the tough times more manageable and the victories even more rewarding.

    Philanthropic Interests (organizations or causes that are important to you):
    My philanthropic interests are deeply rooted in mentoring student leaders. I am passionate about guiding and supporting students in achieving their goals efficiently because, as a first-generation student, I didn’t have access to the support and resources that many others might take for granted. I navigated a challenging path on my own, figuring out how to get to law school and prepare for the bar exam without much external help. Through my experiences, I’ve come to understand the value of mentorship and the difference it can make in a student’s journey. I am committed to continuing this work, whether through formal organizations or other informal means. My goal is to help them avoid the mistakes I made and expedite their path to their goals. By sharing my knowledge and offering guidance, I hope to empower the next generation of students to achieve their aspirations more effectively and efficiently.

    What is a fun or interesting fact about you that you would like OCWLA members to know?
    A fun fact about me that I’d like OCWLA members to know is that I have a passion for collecting vintage 35mm film cameras. Currently, I own a Canon A1, a Minolta X-700, and a Canon Canonet QL19. Before law school, I enjoyed buying film rolls and using these cameras to capture moments. Although the hobby slowed down during my studies due to the workload, I’m excited to get back into it. I plan to develop some film rolls that I never got around to processing and am looking forward to rediscovering the joy of analog photography.

    Is there anything else you would like the OCWLA Members to know about you
    I would like the OCWLA members to know how deeply grateful I am for the support and the scholarship that covered the expense of taking the California bar exam. This assistance has been invaluable in easing the financial burden of this critical step in my legal journey. The generosity and support from the OCWLA have not only alleviated a significant financial stress but also reinforced my commitment to serving and uplifting the community. Your support has made a profound difference, and I am genuinely appreciative of the opportunity it has provided me to focus on my goals and continue contributing to the legal profession. Thank you for your incredible generosity and belief in my future.

    Find me on Instagram at @getlostwithoz and on LinkedIn at @Ozzy Peña!

  • Thursday, August 22, 2024 2:14 PM | Anonymous

    The IRS Office of Chief Counsel is the largest tax firm in the country with approximately 1,500 attorneys, and Small Business/Self Employed is the largest Chief Counsel division with attorneys assigned to 47 field offices, including four different offices in Southern California.  At this time, we have open announcements around the country for our Honors and intern programs, including at our California field offices in Los Angeles, Laguna Niguel, Thousand Oaks, and San Diego.  Please see the link below for the vacancy announcements and note that the deadline to apply is September 3, 2024.  Please share this announcement with your members and encourage interested members to apply.

    Vacancy Announcements:

    USAJOBS - Job Announcement – Honors 3L Hires (post-bar passage)

    USAJOBS - Job Announcement – Honors 3L Hires (pre-bar)

    USAJOBS - Job Announcement – 2L Summer Interns

    For more information regarding what it’s like to work at Chief Counsel, please follow this link to learn about what it’s like to work at the IRS Office of Chief Counsel.

  • Tuesday, August 20, 2024 3:00 PM | Anonymous

    Name: Alliyah Thomas 

    What is your practice area of interest? Civil Rights 

    What is a recent academic or personal accomplishment you would like to highlight? A recent accomplishment of mine is receiving Pro Bono Honors at graduation for my volunteer work throughout law school! 

    What does winning the Stipend mean to you? Studying for the bar is such an incredibly difficult process, not to mention an especially expensive one. The support of the OCWLA means the world to me as it has helped me get one step closer towards becoming an attorney and provided a much needed confidence boost as I prepared for the exam. The OCWLA does such impactful work to support women in lawand I'm honored I got to be on the receiving end of it! Thank you for helping me on this journey. 

    What are your post-bar plans? Post-bar I’ll remain in Orange County, learning the ins-and-outs of civil litigation! Although I do plan to return to civil rights law, I’m grateful and excited by the opportunity to explore a new practice area that’s still centered around helping people. 

    What was your favorite part of Law School? My favorite part of law school was the chance to work on the east coast for part of 2L year! I did the UCDC program in Washington, D.C. followed by an incredible summer experience at a civil rights firm in New York. I learned such a great deal, explored new cities, and met such a lovely community as a result of it! 

    Philanthropic Interests (organizations or causes that are important to you): ACLU, NAACP Legal Defense Fund

    What is a fun or interesting fact about you that you would like OCWLA members to know? Video editing is one of my favorite hobbies!

  • Friday, August 16, 2024 3:24 PM | Anonymous

    Name: Brandee McGee

    What is your practice area of interest? Public interest (specifically workers, civil, and human rights)

    What is a recent academic or personal accomplishment you would like to highlight? My article on abolition was published by the San Diego Law Review last December, and I had the opportunity to discuss my research with the California Reparations Task Force.

    What does winning the Stipend mean to you? The financial freedom to focus on bar prep instead of on how I'm going to afford groceries! As a low-income law student who receives public benefits, financial assistance helps to equalize my chances of passing the bar alongside peers with far more resources.

    What are your post-bar plans? To work for a national public interest organization but also donate time to legal aid organizations in SoCal

    What was your favorite part of Law School? Building PILF into a low-income student support network

    Philanthropic Interests (organizations or causes that are important to you): Abolition, bodily autonomy, decolonization, and getting money out of politics.

    What is a fun or interesting fact about you that you would like OCWLA members to know? I have a brown belt in judo under Jacob Flores!

    Is there anything else you would like the OCWLA Members to know about you? Unconditional financial assistance changes lives! Thank you for all that you do!

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