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Title: Judicial Branch Administration: Rule and Standard for Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Court-Related Work
Summary: The Artificial Intelligence Task Force proposes adopting one rule and one standard to address the use of generative artificial intelligence for court-related work. The task force developed this proposal as part of its charge from the Chief Justice to oversee the development of policy recommendations on the use of artificial intelligence in the judicial branch.
Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Thursday, April 17, 2025, at 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)
The State Bar's 2025 committee appointments application is now open for nonattorney public members, attorneys, and former judicial officers with interest in helping the State Bar advance its important statutory mission.
To apply, please visit the State Bar’s online application portal, select your committee from the left-hand menu, and click the “Apply for membership” button in the top right corner. For more details on each committee, refer to the linked committee webpage in the profile description. The application deadline is April 3, 2025, 5:00 p.m.
Officers and members are appointed annually by the Board of Trustees at its May meeting.
We look forward to your application and encourage you to share this opportunity with colleagues who might be interested in serving on a State Bar committee.
For questions, please contact
Title: Civil Jury Instructions: Revisions to Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions
Summary: The Advisory Committee on Civil Jury Instructions seeks public comment on proposed revisions and additions to the Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI). Under
California Rules of Court, rule 10.58, the advisory committee is responsible for regularly reviewing case law and statutes affecting jury instructions and making recommendations to the
Judicial Council for updating, revising, and adding topics to the council’s civil jury instructions. Upon approval by the Judicial Council, all changes will be published in the 2025 edition of the
official LexisNexis Matthew Bender CACI publication.
Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Thursday, March 13, 2025, at 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)
As you might imagine, there are a large number of disaster-impacted tenants who have come to the Pasadena Disaster Resource Center seeking assistance. To respond to their urgent needs, NLSLA will host a remote landlord-tenant clinic next Wednesday, January 29th. We are looking for volunteers to commit to staffing that virtual clinic. If you have any experience with landlord-tenant issues and are willing to volunteer, terrific. If not, we will train and support you!
Your commitment would be to:
Please fill out the following form if you are able to volunteer:
Monica Mar | Director of Pro BonoPronouns: she/her/hers
Community Legal Aid SoCal 2101 North Tustin Ave., Santa Ana, CA 92705
Los Angeles Fire Department
Resources, up-to-date information and alerts via
Watch Duty
Watch Duty, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, alerts you of nearby wildfires and firefighting efforts in real-time.
Alert LA County
Phone, email and text alerts by registering here: ready.lacounty.go/emergency-notifications
National Weather Service
View active weather alerts from the National Weather Service by registering here:
Due to the ongoing Palisades Fire and Eaton Fire in Los Angeles County, the following shelters are available for animals affected by the evacuation orders. Please note capacity details and staffing information:
Canine Rescue Club
Support for displaced pets and animals. Volunteer here:
Partners with the LA Fire Department to enhance community resilience. Volunteer here:
Volunteer County of Los Angeles
Engages in various community support activities, including disaster response and recovery efforts. Volunteer here:
American Red Cross Los Angeles Region
Urgent need for disaster shelter volunteers to support those displaced by the wildfires.
Volunteer here:
Community Foundation’s Wildfire Recovery Fund
Supports intermediate and long-term recovery efforts for major California wildfires, as well as preparedness efforts. Website:
California Fire Foundation
Provides immediate assistance to victims through programs like supplying disaster relief cash cards to those affected by wildfires. Website:
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles
Assists in rebuilding homes for those affected by wildfires. Website:
Registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit for help and support the LAFD. Website:
World Central Kitchen
Nonprofit that immediately prepares and serves meals to communities impacted by natural disasters and during humanitarian crises. Website:
This year, we have 56 student competitors. As you may remember from your own law school experience, the Moot Court competition will provide these students with an opportunity for immense growth in numerous areas that are critical to the practice of law at the highest level. You will play a direct role in developing the students’ oral advocacy skills and help them navigate what can be a nerve-wracking and highly impactful experience. Your expertise will give these students a dynamically challenging and constructive experience they will never forget.
The 2024-2025 Moot Court Competition is based on a fictional case, Timothy Grey v. Baltimore Police Department. The question presented involves an intriguing constitutional issue: does a parent have a substantive right under the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause to companionship with their adult child?
When, where, and for how long?
The oral argument schedule is (tentatively) as follows:
● Preliminary Round I: February 3-February 10
● Preliminary Round II: February 11-25
● Top 16 Elimination Round: March 11- March 15
● Quarterfinal Round: March 17-20
● Semifinals: March 24-27
The competition begins with virtual oral arguments via Zoom for Preliminary Round I. Starting with Preliminary Round II, the competition will take place in-person, on the UCI Law School campus. We deeply appreciate participation and support from local attorneys, especially for the in-person rounds of the competition.
Hearings will take place Monday through Saturday. On weekdays, we will hold two sessions of concurrent rounds beginning at 6:00 pm and ending at 9:30 pm. On Saturdays, we will hold arguments from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. For Saturday arguments, we ask judges to commit to either a morning session (9:30 am - 12:30 pm), an afternoon session (12:30 pm - 3:30 pm), or both. Meals and parking will be provided for those judging an in-person round.
Prior to oral arguments, your clerks on the Moot Court Board will provide you with a bench memorandum summarizing the relevant law and containing suggested questions for competitors.
To reserve your seat on the bench for one or more of the oral argument sessions, please fill out this form: Please include your email address and phone number, and also indicate your preference for the dates and times that you are available to judge the competition.
We rely on the generosity of our local legal community to provide this unique and vital opportunity for the next generation of legal professionals.
Thank you for your kind consideration of this invitation. We sincerely hope that you join us. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.
Comments Sought:
10 new proposals have been posted to the California Courts website, at
Judicial Branch Technology
Judicial Branch Technology: Rules for Adoption of Technology and Data Security Guidelines
Summary: The Court Executives Advisory Committee (CEAC) and the Information Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC) propose amending one rule and adopting one rule to create a process for adopting and revising technology and data security guidelines for the courts and the Judicial Council. This proposal originated with the Joint Information Security Governance Subcommittee, which reviews and recommends security-related guidelines, policies, and other proposals for action by ITAC and CEAC.
Appellate and Civil and Small Claims
CEQA Actions: New Projects and Fees for Expedited Review
Summary: The Appellate Advisory Committee and the Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee recommend amending California Rules of Court for the expedited resolution of actions and proceedings brought under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). As mandated by the Legislature, the Judicial Council previously adopted rules and established procedures to implement a statutory scheme for the expedited resolution of actions and proceedings brought under CEQA challenging certain projects that qualified for such streamlined procedures. This proposal amends several rules to implement recent legislation requiring inclusion of specified additional projects and removal of certain other projects for streamlined review. The committees also recommend the amendment of two rules to implement statutory provisions requiring that, for the new category of projects, the council, by rule of court, establish fees to be paid by project applicants to the courts for the additional costs of streamlined CEQA review.
Civil and Small Claims
Civil Practice and Procedure: Termination of Complex Coordination Proceedings and Actions
Summary: The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes amending California Rules of Court, rule 3.545 and adopting rule 3.546 to modify the procedures courts must follow when terminating coordinated actions and to specify procedures for terminating coordination proceedings. This proposal aims to address procedural concerns first raised by a superior court judge who has managed numerous coordination proceedings.
Criminal Law
Criminal Law: Felony Plea Form
Summary: The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes adding two new advisements to the felony plea form in light of recent case law and Proposition 36 (“The Homelessness, Drug Addiction, and Theft Reduction Act”) approved by voters in the General Election on November 5, 2024. The committee also recommends clarifying language about the factual basis for the plea.
Criminal Law: New Postconviction Retail Crime Restraining Order
Summary: The Criminal Law Advisory Committee proposes a new retail crime restraining order to implement Assembly Bill 3209 (Stats. 2024, ch. 169). The order would prohibit defendants convicted of specified offenses from entering the premises of a protected retail establishment for up to two years.
Family and Juvenile Law
Juvenile Law: Restitution Orders
Summary: Assembly Bill 1186 (Bonta; Stats. 2024, ch. 805) amended provisions of the Penal Code and the Welfare and Institutions Code regarding restitution liability in criminal and juvenile court, including eliminating joint and several liability for co-offending children in juvenile delinquency cases. The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee proposes revising the restitution order and instructions forms to delete joint and several liability for juvenile co-offenders, address restitution apportionment in juvenile court orders, and clarify the liability of others who may be ordered to pay restitution in criminal and juvenile proceedings. In addition, the committee proposes revisions to allow for use of the order when a child under informal supervision has stipulated to restitution.
Protective Orders
Protective Orders: New Civil Retail Crime Restraining Order
Summary: The Civil and Small Claims Advisory Committee proposes amending three California Rules of Court, adopting six Judicial Council forms for mandatory use, and approving two information sheets in a new forms series to implement recent legislation creating a new civil retail crime restraining order.
Probate and Mental Health
Rules and Forms: Additional CARE Act Legislation
Summary: The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee proposes amending three rules of court, adopting one form, approving two forms, revising three forms, adopting one standard of judicial administration, and renaming a title in the standards of judicial administration to implement recently enacted Senate Bills 42 (Stats. 2024, ch. 640), 1323 (Stats. 2024, ch. 646), and 1400 (Stats. 2024, ch. 647). The legislation amended both substantive and procedural aspects of the Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment (CARE) Act. In addition, the committee also proposes revisions to certain forms in response to feedback from members of the public regarding the forms’ readability and ease of use.
Probate Conservatorship and Guardianship: Notice of Change of Residence and Notice of Death
Summary: The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee proposes amending two rules of court andrevising six forms in response to recent legislation. Senate Bill 1106 (Stats. 2024, ch. 455)expands the duty of a conservator or guardian of the person to give notice before the change ofresidence of a conservatee or ward and requires a conservator to give notice, electronically ifpossible, of any arrangements they have made for a deceased conservatee’s funeral or similar memorial service. The proposed changes would also update the rules and forms to conform to other amendments to the law, including the statutory authorization of electronic delivery of notices and other papers in specified circumstances, as well as make technical, clarifying, and conforming changes.
Decedents’ Estates: Succession to Real Property of Small Value
Summary: The Probate and Mental Health Advisory Committee proposes revising two forms in response to recent legislation that changed the statutory procedure for claiming succession to real property by raising the maximum value of the property claimed to $750,000 and limiting the application of the procedure to succession to a decedent’s primary residence in California. The proposed form revisions would conform to these changes and make technical and formatting corrections.
Deadline: Comments must be submitted by Tuesday, January 6, 2025, at 5:00 PM (Pacific Time)
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