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OCWLA Featured Member, Janelle Price

Monday, January 27, 2025 4:31 PM | Anonymous

Company Name: California Dept. of Social Services

Recent Professional Accomplishment: In December 2024, I took a position as Administrative Law Judge for California Department of Social Services. Prior to this position, I worked in Child Welfare for 30 years first representing Orange County Social Services Agency for over 26 years, and then in private practice specializing in cases involving special medical issues and/or women who have survived domestic violence. I have arranged and/or moderated two seminars for the National Association of Women Judges, Improving the Courts’ Response to Neurodiverse Persons and Citations to Slavery: Why Acknowledgment Matters.

Fun Fact About MeI have an amazing daughter, who is a sophomore at Cal Berkeley. When she has time in her busy schedule, we love to travel to different places around the world to experience different cultures, arts, and cuisine. I also love almost all things Disney.

Philanthropic Interests: My passion is empowering and assisting women who are survivors of domestic violence, to assist them in changing the direction of their life to be free from violence and abuse. Further, my desire is to continue to be a voice to address disparities in treatment and the barriers which some face in accessing justice in our legal system.

What is your favorite part about OCWLA?: MCLE's, Mixers, Judges Reception, Book Club!!!

Is there anything else you'd like the OCWLA Members to know about you?: One of my favorite quotes comes from Maya Angelou -- "We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color." As members of the legal community, I believe it is imperative that we continue to strive for diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging for all, and to address any barriers one may face in accessing their right to use the legal system to enforce their rights.

Practice Area: Administrative Law Judge

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