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OCWLA Foundation Bar & Diversity Bar Stipend Awards Due

  • Tuesday, December 20, 2022
  • 5:00 PM

July Bar Stipend Due April 20.
February Bar Stipend Due December 20- Extended Deadline

Bar Stipend Award 

OCWLA Foundation is pleased to provide the Bar Stipend Award to worthy law students about to take the bar exam. Offered twice a year, the award is given to the student(s) that best exemplifies the mission of OCWLA, and a commitment to scholarship, community service, advancement of women or women’s issues, financial need, and to Orange County.

Diversity Bar Stipend Award

OCWLA Foundation awards a $1000 Diversity Stipend to a recent law school graduate with a minority ethnic background and achievements and contributions in scholarship, community service, advancement of diversity or diversity issues. Financial need and connection to Orange County are also considered. 

Student Membership

Are you currently a law student interested in joining OCWLA?  As a law student, there is no cost to join the OCWLA, and your membership will allow you to attend OCWLA’s events at the reduced member rate.  As a member of OCWLA, you will become part of a community that is dedicated to the advancement of its members and have the opportunity to attend various networking and other events throughout the year, including monthly lunch meetings, member mixers (including an annual Mardi Gras party and Gala at Pelican Hill), and social events such as hikes, coffee meetups, or movie viewings of relevance to our members. The OCWLA also sponsors events hosted by the affiliate bars of the OCBA, which provide even more networking opportunities for members. 

The OCWLA is dedicated to advancing women in the legal profession by providing a professional network, raising awareness of discrimination and bias, and supporting charitable organizations.

OCWLA offers FREE membership to law students.  Fill out an application today!

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