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USDC, Central District of CA -- Mediation Panel

Friday, March 26, 2021 6:22 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

Attention OCWLA Members

From: ADR Committee of the Central District of California

The Court would like to invite any qualified members of OCWLA to apply for membership on the Court’s Mediation Panel.  The Central District’s Mediation Panel is comprised of experienced federal litigators who are also trained mediators. These qualified and impartial attorneys assist the Court in encouraging the fair, speedy, and economical resolution of civil actions pending in this district. The members of the Mediation Panel provide an invaluable service to the Court, to litigants, and to the community. Mediators settle hundreds of cases that would otherwise consume scarce judicial resources. To serve as a Panel Mediator, an attorney must be a member in good standing of the Bar of the United States District Court, Central District of California, with at least ten years of legal practice experience, substantial experience with or knowledge of civil litigation in federal court, significant expertise in one or more designated areas of law, and training in mediation through a court-approved program.

Additional information about the Panel is available on the Court’s website at http://www.cacd.uscourts.gov/attorneys/adr. Panel Mediators are appointed by the Court in certain civil cases, and each mediator volunteers his or her preparation time and the first three hours of a mediation session. Thereafter, if the parties choose to continue the mediation, the mediator may charge his or her market rate. As a member of the Mediation Panel, mediators also have access to Court-provided MCLE events and networking opportunities. Applications are due by April 30, 2021, for consideration this year. The application form may be downloaded here: http://www.cacd.uscourts.gov/attorneys/adr/application-mediation-panel.

Completed forms should be submitted to ADR_Coordinator@cacd.uscourts.gov.

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