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Two UC Legal positions at University of California, Office of the President, Oakland, CA

Wednesday, September 28, 2022 2:26 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

Principal Counsel, Construction


At the University of California (UC), your contributions make a difference. A world leader producing Nobel and Pulitzer prize recipients with over 150 years of groundbreaking research transforming the world. Choose a career where you can leverage your knowledge, skills and aspirations to inspire and support some of the greatest minds in the world, and those who will follow in their footsteps. Working at the University of California is being part of a unique institution, and a vibrant and diverse community. At the University of California, Office of the President, we propel our mission through impactful work locally, in government centers and systemwide. We are passionate people, serving the greater good.

The University of California, one of the largest and most acclaimed institutions of higher learning in the world, is dedicated to excellence in teaching, research and public service. The University of California Office of the President is the headquarters to the 10 campuses, six academic medical centers and three national laboratories and enrolls premier students from California, the nation and the world. Learn more about the UC Office of the President


UC Legal - Office of General Counsel (UCL - OGC) delivers ethical, timely, efficient and high quality legal services to the University of California ten campuses, five medical centers, and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, as well as to the Board of Regents, the President, the Chancellors and other officers of the University. Its services include prosecuting and defending litigation, drafting and negotiating agreements, providing advice, counsel and interpretation of laws, regulations and policies, and assisting with development of effective compliance and risk mitigation strategies to facilitate the University's complex operations.

The Business, Transactions, and Innovation (BTI) practice group handles a broad range of business transactions including, but not limited to, transactions involving innovative research, joint ventures, collaborations, international activities, public finance, real estate, land use, construction, investments, intellectual property, laboratory affairs, energy, tax-exempt organizations, charitable giving, trusts and estates, and institutional advancement.


This position provides substantial expertise in the construction and development legal matters and projects. Reporting to the Managing Counsel – Business, Transactions and Innovation, this position independently handles a full range of legal matters and projects in the construction practice area, to include the most complex and that of substantial importance and impact. The Principal Counsel interprets complex facts and the law and advises on complex matters in an atmosphere of substantial ambiguity. The Principal Counsel also provides functional advice, training and/or guidance to clients and to less-experienced attorneys, and may act as a liaison with outside counsel, and/or represent the University in certain complex litigation.

Responsibilities require substantial knowledge of laws, regulations and policies applicable to a broad range of construction and land use issues including, but not limited to, the Public Contracting Code, and Regents bylaws and policies. Drafts, reviews and revises a variety of instruments involving the University's interest such as policies and contracts.  Manages and advises on construction litigation matters.

All team members are expected to actively participate in initiatives to promote diversity, equity, and/or inclusion, whether at UC or in the community.

Link for more information and to apply:https://careerspub.universityofcalifornia.edu/psp/ucop/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM.HRS_APP_SCHJOB.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST&JobOpeningId=42556&PostingSeq=1&SiteId=19&languageCd=ENG&FOCUS=Applicant



Principal Counsel, Employment Practices Liability (EPL) Litigation


At the University of California (UC), your contributions make a difference. A world leader producing Nobel and Pulitzer prize recipients with over 150 years of groundbreaking research transforming the world. Choose a career where you can leverage your knowledge, skills and aspirations to inspire and support some of the greatest minds in the world, and those who will follow in their footsteps. Working at the University of California is being part of a unique institution, and a vibrant and diverse community. At the University of California, Office of the President, we propel our mission through impactful work locally, in government centers and systemwide. We are passionate people, serving the greater good.

The University of California, one of the largest and most acclaimed institutions of higher learning in the world, is dedicated to excellence in teaching, research and public service. The University of California Office of the President is the headquarters to the 10 campuses, six academic medical centers and three national laboratories and enrolls premier students from California, the nation and the world. Learn more about the UC Office of the President


UC Legal delivers ethical, timely, efficient and high quality legal services to the University of California's ten campuses, six medical centers, and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, as well as to the Board of Regents, the President, the Chancellors and other officers of the University. Its services include prosecuting and defending litigation, drafting and negotiating agreements, providing advice, counsel and interpretation of laws, regulations and policies, and assisting with development of effective compliance and risk mitigation strategies to facilitate the University's complex operations.


Reporting to the Managing Counsel, Litigation, the Principal Counsel, Litigation is a litigator who primarily oversees outside counsel in employment practices liability litigation. Responsibilities require substantial expertise in litigation strategy, trial work, civil procedure, and federal and state labor and employment laws (including relevant whistleblower statutes, the Fair Employment and Housing Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Family and Medical Leave Act, California Family Rights Act, Fair Labor Standards Act, Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act, and National Labor Relations Act), as well as privacy and First Amendment issues.

The position works closely with outside counsel in developing case strategy consistent with University policy and protocols; Manages a full range of legal matters and projects, including the most complex and those of substantial importance and impact to the University; interprets complex facts and the law in areas of high ambiguity; provides functional advice to senior managers, stakeholders, and leadership concerning risk assessment, liability, and damages; acting as a liaison among outside counsel, campus counsel, campus risk managers, and other campus constituents; and drafting, reviewing, and revising discovery documents, pleadings, and briefs.

The University is a consensus-based organization, and the Principal Counsel, Litigation plays a key role in helping the relevant decision makers to reach consensus regarding litigation-related decisions.

All team members are expected to actively participate in initiatives to promote diversity, equity, and/or inclusion, whether at UC or in the community.

Link for more information and to apply:https://careerspub.universityofcalifornia.edu/psp/ucop/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM.HRS_APP_SCHJOB.GBL?Page=HRS_APP_JBPST&JobOpeningId=38310&PostingSeq=1&SiteId=19&languageCd=ENG&FOCUS=Applicant

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