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UC Irvine Law - Call for Moot Court Judges 2024-2025

Friday, January 03, 2025 1:40 PM | Anonymous

This year, we have 56 student competitors. As you may remember from your own law school experience, the Moot Court competition will provide these students with an opportunity for immense growth in numerous areas that are critical to the practice of law at the highest level. You will play a direct role in developing the students’ oral advocacy skills and help them navigate what can be a nerve-wracking and highly impactful experience. Your expertise will give these students a dynamically challenging and constructive experience they will never forget.

The 2024-2025 Moot Court Competition is based on a fictional case, Timothy Grey v. Baltimore Police Department. The question presented involves an intriguing constitutional issue: does a parent have a substantive right under the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause to companionship with their adult child? 

When, where, and for how long?

The oral argument schedule is (tentatively) as follows:

●       Preliminary Round I: February 3-February 10

●       Preliminary Round II: February 11-25

●       Top 16 Elimination Round: March 11- March 15

●       Quarterfinal Round: March 17-20

●       Semifinals: March 24-27

The competition begins with virtual oral arguments via Zoom for Preliminary Round I. Starting with Preliminary Round II, the competition will take place in-person, on the UCI Law School campus. We deeply appreciate participation and support from local attorneys, especially for the in-person rounds of the competition.

Hearings will take place Monday through Saturday. On weekdays, we will hold two sessions of concurrent rounds beginning at 6:00 pm and ending at 9:30 pm. On Saturdays, we will hold arguments from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. For Saturday arguments, we ask judges to commit to either a morning session (9:30 am - 12:30 pm), an afternoon session (12:30 pm - 3:30 pm), or both. Meals and parking will be provided for those judging an in-person round. 

Prior to oral arguments, your clerks on the Moot Court Board will provide you with a bench memorandum summarizing the relevant law and containing suggested questions for competitors.

To reserve your seat on the bench for one or more of the oral argument sessions, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/y1UqaXQLXPusY8My7. Please include your email address and phone number, and also indicate your preference for the dates and times that you are available to judge the competition.

We rely on the generosity of our local legal community to provide this unique and vital opportunity for the next generation of legal professionals.

Thank you for your kind consideration of this invitation. We sincerely hope that you join us. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.

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