Orange County Women
 Lawyers Association
For Women Lawyers and Those Who Support Their Advancement


Thursday, August 25, 2016 9:25 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

The Los Angeles Superior Court is currently scheduling Temporary Judges’ Training. Rule 2.812, et seq., of the California Rules of Court requires Temporary Judges to receive three hours live training in Bench Conduct and Demeanor plus three hours of training in Judicial Ethics for Temporary Judges and at least one area of substantive law (Small Claims, Collections, Traffic, Unlawful Detainer, Civil Harassment and Family Law).  The Temporary Judge Program is offering the following live training:

DATE: November 3, 2016 - Bench Conduct and Demeanor (3 hours)

FEE: $50.00

LOCATION: Los Angeles Superior Court, 111 North Hill Street, Room 222 (Second Floor), Los Angeles, CA 90012

TIME: 12:45 pm to 4:00 pm - Orientation and Training. Registration and lunch start at noon.

PARKING: Park in Lot 17 (after 11:30 a.m.).  Lot 17 is the multi-level lot on the corner of First and Olive. Parking validations will be provided at the training.

SPECIAL NOTICE:  On-Line training in Judicial Ethics, Traffic and Small Claims is available at the following website:  If you take on-line courses, please bring copies of the Certificates of Completion and the application with you to the live training as this will expedite the certification process.   For other areas of substantive law, please contact the Temporary Judge Program Office.  The application may be obtained from the Temporary Judge Program Office or in fillable form at:

Bench Conduct and Demeanor:  November 3, 2016.  MCLE CREDIT: Provider No. 485.  The Los Angeles Superior Court has been approved as a continuing legal education provider of Minimum Continuing Legal Education credit by the State Bar of California. This program will qualify for Minimum Continuing Legal Education credit by the State Bar of California in the amount of 3 hours of participatory credit 1.0 hour will apply to elimination of bias in the legal profession credit, 1.0 hour will apply to legal ethics credit, and 1.0 hour will apply to general credit (of which -0- hours will apply to prevention, detection and treatment of substance abuse/mental illness that impairs professional competence), as appropriate to the content of the program.

AS SPACE IS LIMITED AND MCLE CREDIT IS PROVIDED,  PRE-PAID RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED AND MUST BE RECEIVED BY:  October 24, 2016.  This is necessary to defer the cost of training, security services, etc.   Please be advised that the pre-paid reservations are non-refundable and non-transferable. 

 Please make check payable to “Special Program Fund” and mail it to the Temporary Judge Program, 111 North Hill Street, Room 117, Los Angeles, CA 90012 or call (213) 633-1028 for further details.

SPECIAL NOTICE:  The decision to appoint any attorney as a Temporary Judge is within the discretion of the Presiding Judge.  For further information on requirements, disqualification, etc., see California Rules of Court, Rules 2.810 - 819, 10.740 -10.746; Code of Ethics, Canon 6D.

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