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OCWLA President's March Message

Monday, March 02, 2020 7:59 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

OCWLA Community,

Orange County Women Lawyers Association's 45th year is well under way.  We look forward to seeing you at one of our many upcoming events as OCWLA continues its EmpowHer™ women in the legal profession.
February Recap:
In February, OCWLA hosted its Welcome to the Decade Wine Tasting Mixer at Orange County Winery.  Thank you to our Platinum Sponsor Ferruzzo & Ferruzzo, LLP, and our Gold Sponsors Call & JensenJAMS, and Rutan & Tucker.
In addition, OCWLA's Executive Director, Amelia Montgomery, was recognized with OCWLA's Presidents Award for her 10 years of service as the Executive Director.  Thank you Amelia for all you have done for the organization!
OCWLA volunteers with different organizations throughout the year.  As the first event of the year, OCWLA members assisted Family Legal Assistance at CHOC Children's to assist families with the preparation of legal documents regarding legal consent. 
Upcoming Events:
Thursday, March 5 - Join OCWLA to celebrate International Women's Day with LawWorks and Harvard Law School Women's Alliance!  OCWLA is proud to serve as a co-sponsor to this no cost event.

Friday, March 13MCLE - Tips from the Bench: What Judges Want You to Know - Hon. Kathleen O'Leary and Hon. Maria Hernandez divulge the top things they want all lawyers to know.  The program will navigate through trial tips as well as preserving the record on appeal.  In addition, at this lunch, members are encouraged to bring clothing donations to WHW's 9th annual Suits for a Cause collection.  

Monday, March 30 - The March book club book is Radium Girls by Kate Moore.  This no host group continues to meet at Mimi's Café in Tustin for casual conversation about the monthly books.  There is no charge for members to attend.  

Tuesday, March 31 - MCLE - Equal Pay Day: Obtaining Your Next Pay Raise or Promotion! - Join OCWLA for its annual Equal Pay Day luncheon.  This year's event will focus on pay raises and promotions.  All attendees are encourage to wear red as a symbol of the deficit in pay between men and women.  

Thursday, April 16 - Chicago The Musical - Join OCWLA members in determining whether the murderesses of Cook County Jail are guilty or not!  Seats are located in the Orchestra Terrace at Segerstrom Center for the Arts.  In order for OCWLA to obtain group pricing, tickets must be purchased before March 10, 2020.  OCWLA will arrange for members to meet in advance of the show for networking.  

SIGNATURE EVENT: Wednesday, April 22 - Women Judges Reception - This annual event celebrates the women of the Orange County bench!  Members are encouraged to mix and mingle with members of the bench with a special judicial bingo.  The event is expected to sell out - be sure to register early!  If you are interested in sponsoring the event, please contact info@ocwla.org.

SIGNATURE EVENT: Save the Date: OCWLA's 45th Annual Gala will be held on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 at Pelican Hill Resort.  If you are interested in sponsoring the Gala, please contact info@ocwla.org
I look forward to seeing you at one or our upcoming events!
Michelle A. Philo
Michelle A. Philo
OCWLA President

Orange County Women Lawyers Association, P.O. Box 6130, Newport Beach, CA 92658
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