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OCWLA President Dana Heyde’s October Message

Monday, October 03, 2022 5:57 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

Hello OCWLA Community!

When hinges creak in doorless chambers…that is the time when the Orange County Women Lawyers Association starts to party! Shimmer in your ball gown under the stars at our 46th Annual Gala celebrating our awardees. Then, grab a costume and get in the spirit at our Halloween event, Coffee & Costumes. Connecting with the members of this dynamic group has never been more fun!

Upcoming Events

46th OCWLA Annual Gala: Join us at the OCWLA Annual Gala on Wednesday, October 12, 2022 to promote the advancement of women in the legal profession and support our awardees. Our program includes a hosted bar and champagne reception, a silent auction, and a gorgeous plated meal, all while experiencing the beauty of Shady Canyon Golf Club. The event will be held outdoors on the lawn. Formal attire is encouraged. Register here!

Connect With Other Book Lovers: This month, our Book Club will focus on Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray. OCWLA Member Heidi Plummer will lead the discussion on this classic gothic piece of literature, giving us a deep dive on the philosophic background of the then controversial book. Join us on October 24, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. at Mimi’s Café in Tustin. Register here!

Coffee & Costumes: Celebrate Halloween with the OCWLA and meet candidates for the 2023 Officers & Directors. Join us on Halloween morning, 8:15 am, at the Corner Bakery in the Irvine Marketplace for a complimentary breakfast and to meet our candidates. Costumes are encouraged! Register here!

Interested in Running for a 2023 OCWLA Director Position?
If you are interested in running, please submit a short Candidate's Statement and photo to us by the close of business on Monday, October 10, 2022, via email: info@ocwla.org. The 2023 Slate of Director candidates will be presented to the membership via e-blast the following week. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Fay Stender Award Reception: Orange County Women Lawyers Association is proud that our member and nominee Kimberly La Salle is this year’s recipient of the California Women Lawyers Fay Stender Award. The Fay Stender Award is given each year to a feminist attorney, who, like Fay Stender, is committed to the representation of women, disadvantaged groups, and unpopular causes, and whose courage, zest for life, and demonstrated ability to effect change as a single individual make her a role model for women attorneys. We hope you will join us to celebrate Kimberly La Salle’s accomplishments on November 2, 2022, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Zov’s Bistro. Register Here!

Our Fabulous September

MCLE Luncheon: Implications of the Dobbs Decision: Our members were so excited to come together for our September MCLE Luncheon on the implications of the Dobbs decision.

Unity Bar Mixer: Our members had so much fun celebrating our work with fellow bar organizations at the Inaugural Orange County Unity Bar Mixer!

OCWLA Fall Philanthropy Event: The OCWLA was proud to partner with Community Legal Aid SoCal to support its Unlawful Detainer Answer Clinic. Thank you to all of our volunteers!

Book Club: President Dana Heyde led our book club this month as we discussed, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon. We honored Banned Book Week by reading this quest of a quirky young man that reminds us to be compassionate to others

Gala Updates

Become A Gala Sponsor: Join us at the Gala on October 12, 2022, at Shady Canyon Golf Club from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. as OCWLA honors 2022 Judge of the Year Judge Deborah Servino, 2022 Attorney of the Year Antoinette Balta of Veterans Legal Institute, and the recipient of the Advancement of Women award Community Legal Aid SoCal. You can support these amazing honorees with a Gala Sponsorship.

Top Gala Sponsors!
Thank you to all of our 2022 Gala sponsors! We would like to extend a special thank you to our Title Sponsor Robinson Calcagnie, Inc., Diamond Sponsors Ferruzzo & Ferruzzo, Bock & Plummer, Buchalter and our Platinum Sponsors Orange County Supervisor Katrina Foley and Judicate West. Thank you for your commitment to our organization!

Get Involved!

Make An Immediate Impact: You can advance women in the legal profession, raise awareness of discrimination and bias, and support charitable organizations by becoming an Annual Sponsor of OCWLA. Sponsors receive recognition and connect with OCWLA members at several events throughout the year. Thank you for your interest in supporting this amazing organization!

Share Your Recent Achievements: We love learning more about our members! Our Featured Member Series is a great way for members to introduce themselves to the membership and share their recent accomplishments. Nominate yourself or another spectacular OCWLA member today.

Let’s Celebrate Each Other!: OCWLA’s Everyday Hero Award recognizes members of our profession who have made a positive impact in the community through their hard work, generosity, and commitment to justice. To nominate an Everyday Hero, send the nominee’s contact information and a brief description of why they are a hero to info@ocwla.org. Or fill out the form here.

Join Us!: We would love to have you join OCWLA! Renew your membershiptoday to become a part of this active and dynamic group! Discounted and/or complimentary membership rates are available for judges, government attorneys, attorneys with less than five years of practice, and law students.

Become A California Women Lawyers Member: Over forty years ago, OCWLA aligned with California Women Lawyers, which in 1974 established itself as the only statewide women lawyers organization. The mission of both OCWLA and CWL is the advancement of women in the legal profession through collaboration and leadership. Join today!

Recognizing OCWLA’s Members

Welcome New & Renewing Members!
Welcome Julie Abutal, Zina Alajlani, Cassis Anorga, Jessica Arbgast, Elizabeth Burnett, Megan Campbell, Carmen Cave, Jennifer Corona, Sepideh Doust, Cassie Doutt, Genene Dunn, Brianna Enoch, Todd Friedland, Maha Ghazvini, Brianan Giliberto-Hermann, Cassandra Goltz, Hannah Green, Rebekah Heath, Emily Hoskins, Jooyeong Jeon, Eriko Katayama, Jessica Lim, Emily Marsh, Melody Mulligan, Natalie Nilan, Morgan Podruski, Angelica Sanchez, Jennifer Santillan, Samantha Shafia, Sara Shahbazi, Amanda Simmons, Holly Soliman, Lauren Taylor, Kiana Vahid, Kaya Vyas, Kayla Wales, Lindsey Wells, Yuri Yang, and Paulyne Youri. We are thrilled that you joined OCWLA! We look forward to meeting you at the next event.

Dana office NEW HEADSHOT TO USE.jpg

Dana Heyde, OCWLA President

Cottle Keen Lopiccolo & Heyde, LLP


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