Orange County Women
 Lawyers Association
For Women Lawyers and Those Who Support Their Advancement

OCWLA Featured Members

An integral part of OCWLA’s mission is to advance women in the legal profession by providing a professional network.  Our Featured Member Series is designed to highlight our OCWLA members online so we can help virtually connect members, facilitate referrals between members, and highlight our members’ accomplishments.

Have you recently been promoted, published an article, or achieved a milestone in your career? Or are you looking to network and meet more OCWLA members? We’d love to feature you! If you are interested in being featured, please fill out this form: OCWLA's Featured Member Series.  We’ll be in touch with you regarding your feature.  For more information, please email

  • Monday, October 17, 2022 12:41 PM | Isabella McDonald-Brent

    Company Name: Orange County Superior Court Judge

    Recent Professional Accomplishment: I am thrilled and honored to have been appointed to serve as a Judge in the Orange County Superior Court by Governor Newsom in March 2022.

    Fun Fact About Me: I am a single mom of 2 boys, and love to do anything outdoors and that makes me sweat. 

    Philanthropic Interests: My passions are children and education. Board member of MaxLove Project, which is dedicated to helping children fighting cancer and their families. 

    Practice Area: I am currently assigned to the Family Law Panel. When I was practicing law, I did complex civil business litigation, focusing primarily on class action defense.

    What is your favorite part about OCWLA? It's kick-a** women supporting other kick-a** women.

  • Tuesday, September 27, 2022 2:58 PM | Isabella McDonald-Brent

    Company Name: Smart Forensics

    Recent Professional Accomplishment: After 15 years in the accounting industry, I am thrilled that I was finally able to start my own forensic accounting and economic damages firm in December 2020.

    Fun Fact About Me: I love golf! It's been a great way to get outdoors and connect with other professional women. 

    Philanthropic Interests: Veterans Legal Institute 

    Practice Area: Forensic Accounting

    What is your favorite part about OCWLA? Mixers, Wine Events, Judges Reception, Networking

    Is there anything else you would like the OCWLA Members to know about you? I look forward to meeting all of you in person at one of the OCWLA's amazing mixers and events soon!

  • Monday, September 12, 2022 11:05 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Company Name: Forootan Law

    Recent Professional Accomplishment: After having worked for years at defense and plaintiff firms practicing employment law, I opened my own firm, Forootan Law, last Fall. I represent both sides--companies and employees--in employment litigation. I also provide workplace training, conduct workplace investigations, and provide expert testimony. This year I hired two law student clerks and one associate. I look forward to celebrating a successful first year at Forootan Law with my team.

    Fun Fact About Me: I enjoy taking walks by the beach while listening to wellness podcasts.

    Philanthropic Interests: Orange County United Way

    Practice Area: I represent employees and companies in employment litigation, as well as provide advice and counsel, workforce training, and HR expert testimony.

    What is your favorite part about OCWLA? Networking, The Gala

    Is there anything else you would like the OCWLA Members to know about you? I am so grateful to know so many of OCWLA members, and for those I do not yet know, I very much look forward to meeting you. To know other Orange County women lawyers that support each other is truly special and very necessary in the legal field. See you at the gala!

  • Monday, August 29, 2022 1:55 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Name: Livia Espiritu, rising 2L at Chapman University Fowler School of Law

    Place of Work: Forootan Law

    What is Your Practice Area? Currently employment law. Undecided and interested in civil litigation, entertainment law and immigration law.

    Fun Fact About Me: I was born in the Philippines and came to the US when I was 5 years old.

    Philanthropic Interests: I currently volunteer at any outreach events with the Orange County Bar Association or Beverly Hills Bar Association. I’m also a volunteer summer associate at Ukrainian Mothers and Children Transport Initiative, a program created by my professor at Chapman Law which provides legal aid to Ukrainian women and children fleeing the war.

    Recent Professional Accomplishment: I received two CALI awards (highest grade of the class) this last spring semester in my Legal Research and Writing Class as well as my Civil Procedure Lab class. I also became a member of the Mock Trial Competition Board and Moot Court Competition Board.

    Favorite Part about OCWLA: I’m excited to network with a distinguished group of women who share the values of empowerment and advancement of women in the legal profession.

    Anything Else You Would Like OCWLA Members to Know About You: I enjoy connecting with others, especially listening about their unique experiences in the legal field. I’m thrilled to get involved with or assist with the organization however I can.

  • Monday, August 15, 2022 9:04 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Name: Calyn Hadlock

    Place of Work: Forootan Law

    What is your practice area? Currently working on labor and employment law cases, but as I am still in law school, I am unsure what my official practice area will be post-grad.

    Fun Fact about me: I am a second degree black belt in karate, and French is my second language.

    Philanthropic interests: While at UCI, I’ve worked with the ACLU on various first amendment cases; I’ve also worked on cases for tenant advocacy groups. 

    Recent Professional Accomplishment: I drafted my first mediation brief, which helped the firm secure a mediation settlement twice as large as expected. I was also recently offered employment with Chancellor’s Professor Michele Goodwin as Professor Goodwin’s Research Assistant. 

    Favorite part about OCWLA: Mixers, Networking, exciting conversations about new developments in law. 

    Anything else you would like OCWLA Members to know about you: I am an avid student of constitutional law and will be working with the Appellate Litigation Clinic at UCI Law on an appeals case involving questions of state constitutional law next year. I am a 3L at UCI law and I am earnestly looking forward to graduation and passing the bar. As much as I’ve enjoyed my time at UCI, I am anxious to finally embark on my career journey.

  • Wednesday, May 11, 2022 6:03 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Name: Tiffany Israel

    Place of Work: Aleshire & Wynder

    What is your practice area? Municipal Law

    Fun Fact About Me: I've been to all 7 continents and more than 80 countries.

    Philanthropic Interests: Feeding people, housing for people experiencing homelessness, and education.

    Recent Professional Accomplishment: I was named the first woman Managing Partner of my firm effective 1/1/22.

    Favorite part about OCWLA: Mixers and the opportunity to meet other members.

    Anything else you'd like to share? I decided in kindergarten that I wanted to be a lawyer and can't imagine any other career. I love what I do and enjoy the people I work with at my firm as well as my clients who work hard every day to make their communities a better place.

  • Wednesday, April 13, 2022 5:36 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Name: Bridget Harrison

    Place of Work: Harrison Law, A.P.C.

    What is your practice area? Workers' Compensation Defense and Sports Law.

    Fun Fact About Me: I am an Orange County native, but have East Coast influence by way of being a graduate of the University of North Carolina (Go Tar Heels!), and by having an East Coast husband from Maryland, and who went to my college's cross-town rival, Duke. We are a true house-divided. Also, I actively play in two adult recreational leagues, including a women's basketball league, and a co-ed softball league.

    Philanthropic Interests:

    I love being part of OCWLA due to their philanthropic mission and dedication to supporting local non-profits that help give women access to justice.

    Recent Professional Accomplishment: After practicing law for twelve years at mid to large sized firms, I have opened my own firm. I am very excited to work for myself and run a business while representing amazing clients such as the NFL, Major League Baseball, and Major League Soccer.

    Favorite part about OCWLA: Networking, Meeting other smart, interesting, and successful women.

  • Friday, March 25, 2022 8:27 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    OCWLA is happy to recognize Kimberly LaSalle, who received the 2022 Fay Stender Award from California Women Lawyers (CWL).  "This is the honor of my lifetime to be acknowledged for my work with vulnerable populations...Thank you OCWLA for nominating me for the prestigious Fay Stender Award!"

    CWL established the Fay Stender Award in 1982 in honor of Fay Stender, a Bay Area attorney who spent much of her professional life fighting for prisoners' rights.  CWL gives the award to a feminist attorney, who, like Fay Stender, is committed to the representation of women, disadvantaged groups and unpopular causes, and whose courage, zest for life and demonstrated ability to effect change as a single individual makes her a role model for women attorneys.

    Congratulations Kimberly La Salle!

  • Monday, March 07, 2022 5:35 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    This month, OC Lawyer featured an article OCWLA President, Dana M. Heyde wrote about OCWLA’s Book Club! This members only monthly event has become a cornerstone of OCWLA by offering a unique outlet for current members to network and new members to be welcomed to the organization. Through a shared love of reading, Book Club members recognize each other as kindred spirits whose instant connection leads to professional growth. We hope to see you at the next Book Club Event!

    OC Lawyer Reprint MAR 2022 Out of Office.pdf

  • Tuesday, January 25, 2022 11:16 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Name: Caroline Djang, 2022 OCWLA Treasurer

    Place of Work: Best Best & Krieger LLP

    What is your practice area? Bankruptcy.

    Fun Fact About Me: I win a lot of raffles. My prizes include a flat-screen TV, a diamond necklace, a Polaroid camera, a spa basket worth more than $1,000 and many others!

    Philanthropic Interests: I am a member of Women for Girls (girls inc.) and Coro Women in Leadership. Being a woman, diverse partner at a law firm gives me an enormous platform to mentor and lead future generations.

    Recent Professional Accomplishment: I was recently honored on the following lists by Southern California Super Lawyers: Orange County Top 50, Top 50 Women and Top 100 overall.

    Favorite part about OCWLA: CLE's, Mixers, Networking, The Gala! My firm was honored with the inaugural Advancement of Women Award, and my nominee, Judge Erithe Smith, was honored as Judge of the Year. I also love being on the Exec Board!

    Anything else you would like OCWLA Members to know about you: There is no one way to achieve success as a woman lawyer. I took a non-traditional path by clerking for the Bankruptcy Court for seven years before entering private practice. I have been a partner at two wonderful law firms and chair my firm's bankruptcy practice. I enjoy mentoring young lawyers, so please feel free to contact me to chat!

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