Orange County Women
 Lawyers Association
For Women Lawyers and Those Who Support Their Advancement

OCWLA Featured Members

An integral part of OCWLA’s mission is to advance women in the legal profession by providing a professional network.  Our Featured Member Series is designed to highlight our OCWLA members online so we can help virtually connect members, facilitate referrals between members, and highlight our members’ accomplishments.

Have you recently been promoted, published an article, or achieved a milestone in your career? Or are you looking to network and meet more OCWLA members? We’d love to feature you! If you are interested in being featured, please fill out this form: OCWLA's Featured Member Series.  We’ll be in touch with you regarding your feature.  For more information, please email

  • Monday, December 27, 2021 6:39 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Name: Jessica Munk, 2022 OCWLA Vice President

    Place of Work:  Wiechert, Munk & Goldstein, PC

    What is your practice area? White collar criminal defense and civil litigation in federal and state court, enforcement actions by administrative agencies including the SEC, FTC & CFPB. I am also on the CJA Criminal Trial Panel in the Central District of California representing indigent defendants.

    Fun Fact About Me:  I have three little children, a Golden Doodle puppy and a 14-year-old cat.

    Philanthropic Interests: Promise of Justice Initiative, Illumination Foundation, Second Harvest Food Bank.

    Recent Professional Accomplishment:  Selected to the 2022 Best Lawyers list in Commercial Litigation and Criminal Defense: White-Collar, and recognized by 2022 Super Lawyers for the second year in a row.

    Favorite part about OCWLA: Mixers, wine events, and networking.

    Anything else you would like OCWLA Members to know about you: I love supporting women in the legal profession and being able to connect with such a great group of women. I am honored to be the OCWLA's 2022 Vice-President and look forward to connecting with our members at some fun events this year.

  • Wednesday, November 24, 2021 8:50 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Name: Jennifer Turner

    Place of Work:  Valentine Law Group, APC

    Fun Fact About Me:  When I have time, I like to play video and PC games.

    Philanthropic Interests: Women's Reproductive Rights.

    Recent Professional Accomplishment:  I became the Managing Attorney at Valentine Law Group, APC, where we represent victims of elder abuse and neglect, and I was named as Orange County Trial Lawyer's Association's Member of the Year in 2020.

    Favorite part about OCWLA: CLE's, Mixers

    Anything else you would like OCWLA Members to know about you: I believe strongly in the importance of civility and ethics in the practice of law, and am inspired by the powerful women in our legal community, including those in OCWLA, who exemplify those characteristics in their practice every day.

  • Monday, November 01, 2021 6:01 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Name: Ashley Vernick

    Place of Work: Rutan & Tucker, LLP 

    Fun Fact About Me:  I've hiked to Everest Base Camp (17,598 ft!) and volunteered for a month at an animal rescue center in Africa (ping me for some pics of me with lion cubs, elephants, cheetahs, and more!)

    Philanthropic Interests: Animal welfare and awareness (involved in Elephant Cooperation) and mentoring women and young attorneys (at my firm, through law school, and other bar organizations).

    Recent Professional Accomplishment: Selected as Rising Star, Southern California Super Lawyers and up for election to partnership (fingers crossed!) this year!

    Favorite part about OCWLA: Collaborating with like-minded and like-hearted professional women!

    Anything else you would like OCWLA Members to know about you: Though born and raised in OC, I spent 9 years in Chicago, which included law school and 6 years in practice (Jenner & Block). So while my bar number may start with a 3, I am of an older vintage (practicing over 10 years now!) and looking to get more involved in networking opportunities here in OC, especially OCWLA. Would love to meet up in person to get to know more of you better--be ready for me to suggest a "walk," I am an outdoorsman at heart!

  • Saturday, September 04, 2021 8:09 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

     Name: Danielle Guerrero

    Place of Work: Ferruzzo & Ferruzzo 

    Fun Fact About Me:  I am self-proclaimed nerd and try to attend Comic-Con every year!

    Philanthropic Interests: I have served on the Board of Directors for Grandma's House of Hope for the past three years. The GHH mission is to "empower the invisible populations of Orange County" through housing, education, and other programs serving the homeless and low-income population. See for more information.

    Favorite part about OCWLA: Mixers, Wine Events, Networking, Meeting fabulous women in our profession.

    Anything else you would like OCWLA Members to know about you: I am always down for coffee, lunch, or happy hour!

  • Tuesday, July 20, 2021 5:42 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Name: Laurie Rowen

    Place of Work: Owner/Founder of Montage Legal Group -

    Fun Fact About Me:  My husband is a lawyer, and I'm raising two "mini-lawyer" daughters, ages 11 and 13. I also have a really cute Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Lucky, who is a treasured member of our family!

    Philanthropic Interests: I've been supporting WHW (Women Helping Women) for over a decade. I've served as the President of the Board of Directors, and I'm currently the Chair of the Advisory Board. My daughters currently support WHW through their children's philanthropy club, CA Kids Giving Back. See and

    Practice Area:  My business, Montage Legal Group, is a freelance legal platform that connects freelance lawyers to busy law firms to assist with hourly overflow work. We started Montage to help lawyers who had left BigLaw find balance by working from home, and also to help small law firms and legal departments who need help with substantive legal work. In terms of referrals, if you meet a solo practitioner drowning in work, send them our way!

    Favorite part about OCWLA: Philanthropy events, Annual Gala, Networking

    Anything else you would like OCWLA Members to know about you: I'm currently on the Board of OCWLA, and serve on the Philanthropy Committee and Membership Committee. I absolutely love OCWLA!

  • Monday, June 21, 2021 6:30 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Name: Proud Usahacharoenporn

    Place of Work: Rutan & Tucker, LLP

    Recent Professional Accomplishment:
    I was named a Super Lawyers Rising Star for five years in a row (2017-2021).

    Fun Fact About Me: I have a 10 month old baby girl named Kaia, a basset hound, and an American bully dog, and I love dance, yoga, and barre.

    Philanthropic Interests: OCWLA, Thai American Bar Association, Sonenshine Pro Bono Committee

    Favorite part about OCWLA: CLE's, Mixers, Wine Events, Judges Reception, Networking

    Anything else you would like OCWLA Members to know about you:  I am so inspired by the wonderful and powerful group of women lawyers we have here in OC!

  • Wednesday, June 02, 2021 1:21 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Name: Eve A. Brackmann

    Place of Work: Stuart Kane LLP

    Recent Professional Accomplishment:
    Became Shareholder at Stuart Kane LLP, elected as Director at Large on the Orange County Bar Association’s Board of Directors, and celebrating two major recent appellate victories!

    Fun Fact About Me: I am writing a bodybuilder cookbook, and planning a girls’ trip to Europe this summer to celebrate my 50th. I have two adorable fur babies, both toy fox terriers, 13 years old and one year old. Their names are Foxy and Bitty and they are the best!

    Philanthropic Interests: Serving my community is very important to me…Some of the organizations that I am proud to support are:
    • Orange County Bar Association (OCBA Board Director at Large, 2021-2024; Mentoring Committee co-chair; longstanding Mandatory Fee Arbitrator; member of the Legislative Committee for over 10 years now; regular speaker at Bridging the Gap);.
    • OC Veterans Legal Institute (pro-bono work, and annual fundraiser committee member);
    • USD Law School Alumni (OC Chapter Board Director since 2016)
    • Project Hope School Foundation Board (Past President)

    Favorite part about OCWLA: Networking, Philanthropy Events

    Anything else you would like OCWLA Members to know about you:  I am a strong proponent and supporter of women lawyers, women in business, and women in the survivors’ community. I am so grateful that we live in a time when we can be truly independent, successful, and help each other. As Stevie Nicks has said, “Don’t be a lady, be a legend!” Many thanks to OCWLA for supporting women lawyers and diversity in our OC legal community!

  • Thursday, May 13, 2021 8:22 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Name: Michael Lucien Baroni

    Place of Work: BARONI LAW - Business & Entertainment Law

    Recent Professional Accomplishment:
    Entertainment Lawyer of the Year - USA (Lawyer Monthly Magazine)

    Fun Fact About Me: In entertainment law, my biggest client wasn't an A-list actress. It was a Killer Whale!

    Philanthropic Interests: Human Trafficking. Founding the OCBA's Human Trafficking Task Force was the most meaningful thing I've ever done as a lawyer. I will never give up the fight against traffickers.

    Favorite part about OCWLA: CLE's, Mixers, Networking

    Anything else you would like OCWLA Members to know about you:  Currently working on a new TV show, UNICORN HUNTERS, with a #1 rated TV Producer.

  • Monday, April 12, 2021 3:27 PM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Name: Dana Heyde

    Place of Work: Cottle Keen Lopiccolo & Heyde, LLP

    Recent Professional Accomplishment:
    My law firm purchased a historic home in Orange for our office.

    Fun Fact About Me: I love to play Monopoly!

    Philanthropic Interests: Youth literacy.

    Practice Area:  I take great care to help people resolve emotional situations in Family Law and Litigation practice areas.

    Favorite part about OCWLA: Book Club.

    Anything else you would like OCWLA Members to know about you:  I am a passionate advocate for my clients and for the advancement of women in the legal profession. I am honored to be OCWLA’s 2021 Vice-President and look forward to connecting with other dynamic members at our fun events. 

  • Tuesday, March 30, 2021 5:27 AM | Executive Director (Administrator)

    Name: Larisa Dinsmoor

    Place of Work: Deputy Public Defender, Office of the Orange County Public Defender.

    Recent Professional Accomplishment: Orange County Bar Association President.

    Fun Fact About Me: I have lived in Russia, Uganda and South Africa. I love to travel and do volunteer work with lawyers in developing countries. I've had the privilege of working with lawyers in Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar. I also like yoga, running, and trying new cuisines, although I don't like to cook.

    Philanthropic Interests:  International Bridges to Justice, Avocats Sans Frontières, Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) with Bryan Stevenson.

    Favorite part about OCWLA:  CLE's, Mixers, Wine Events, Judges Reception, Networking, Camaraderie.

    Anything else you would like OCWLA Members to know about you:  I am extremely accessible. Feel free to reach out to me. I believe in mentorship, allyship, and investing in women lawyers. Together, we can bring about more connection, community and unity.

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